![AElfwine Nerevar AElfwine Nerevar](https://images.evetech.net/characters/744262237/portrait?size=64)
AElfwine Nerevar
Gallente Gunfleet Logistics Confusio Universalis Ravagicus Extremous
Posted - 2010.07.09 18:05:00 -
Quote: What the **** are you talking about? Breach of NDA is a ****ing perfect reason to dismiss a volunteer from a volunteer position at a privately held company. And to top it all off, we're talking about Eva Jobse, not Ankhsemimpossibletotypebull****name. When people google "Eva Jobse", who works in game development at another game studio, they see "broke NDA". And in case the ramifications of that don't slap you across the face with a 10 ton hammer: CCP just ruined her career. She currently works at another game development company, and in all likelihood will lose that job over this NDA breach. Furthermore, she now has 'two' employers that just dropped her for NDA breach, and googling her even a little will reveal this enormous scandal of NDA breach. And that's neglecting the fact that game development's a pretty small world and the name "Eva Jobse" just became mud. So now we've established that EVA JOBSE has legal damages that CCP is liable for if this is something as petty as player politics. So, what in the hell would make CCP take that kind of legal risk - worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and at least as much in damages if they lost? Almost certainly they wouldn't single out one of the many CSM candidates that blogged equivalently. Well maybe they'd do this over A REAL MOTHER ****ING NDA BREACH. Oh, and what would any lawyer say? "Dismiss, and shut the **** up". -Liang
Long time lurker new poster but I have to echo Liang's sentiments. Are you people really that obtuse? CCP said she broke the NDA, she said she didn't and would post an update on her website. Guess what she hasn't and she also hasn't responded here, except through alts, which leads me to believe that her main account or accounts CCP know about have also been banned. Things aren't looking so good for old Ank from the rational thinking person's standpoint. And by rational thinking person I mean anyone with an IQ of at least 50. So everybody defending her and calling for CCP to explain please shut the hell up. Or at least try to make arguments that make sense and are logically consistent.